[mc] Soft wrappings of long lines in mcedit

Sebastian Gniazdowski sgniazdowski at gmail.com
Sun Aug 20 19:30:20 UTC 2023

I wrote a patch for mcedit that adds support for long lines to be
wrapped on screen:
https://asciinema.org/a/Eue0wpYdCasSAsTIJN6xz2WSq. I was paid ~€700
for implementing this feature. Now the financing stopped and I would
want to submit it to upstream
(https://midnight-commander.org/ticket/1447). Could I ask for €70 ? To
this BTC address:


? This amount would allow me to do final amends of the patch, as the
steps are high when submitting to MC. Otherwise, the patch will be

Best regards,
Sebastian Gniazdowski

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