Bold/bright colors don't work as background.

Josh Rickmar joshua_rickmar at
Wed Apr 1 19:47:59 UTC 2009

On Wed, 1 Apr 2009, Andrew Borodin wrote:

> On Wed, 18 Mar 2009 23:32:15 -0400 (EDT) "Josh Rickmar" wrote:
>> I am trying to create my own color scheme for Midnight Commander, but am
>> having some trouble with the colors.  When setting the background color
>> for "normal" (normal, dnormal, helpnormal, etc.), it seems to only work
>> when using the "regular" version of the color, not the bold or bright
>> variant.
> AFAIK, most terminals support "regular" colors only as s background.
> Look at, section
> "Setting Character Attributes"
>> I am using Midnight Commander 4.6.2 built from FreeBSD ports.  It's
>> currently built against ncurses, but if that is causing the problem, I can
>> use a different library instead.
> I think, ncurses library behaves as s-lang one.

OK, thanks for the reply.  I was expecting it to work with mc because I
am able to use bold colors as backgrounds in other applications like 
Alpine, for example.  I switched to a s-lang build to see if it would 
change anything, but it didn't.

Oh well, good to know it's not a Midnight Commander bug at least.

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