sftp (part of previous post edited for clarity)

kilgota at banach.math.auburn.edu kilgota at banach.math.auburn.edu
Sun Oct 21 20:14:23 UTC 2007

On Sat, 20 Oct 2007, kilgota at banach.math.auburn.edu wrote:

> Minor suggestion, relating to user friendliness and transparency:
> It would be nice if the password prompt would appear in another window
> instead of at the bottom of the screen, in the place where the command
> line would normally be. Or, if one wants to cover up the command line,
> then that window ought to be at the bottom, in technicolor, but it should
> then go away if one switches to the right panel.

Sorry, this does not make much sense. I was doing the ssh thing in the 
left panel, so, by switching to the "right panel" I meant the panel on the 
right. But this is still not correct. What I meant is, if the password 
prompt is to be at the bottom of the screen and cover up or partially 
cover up the command line, then the password prompt should disappear and 
the command line should come back if one switches to the opposite panel. 
This combined with the idea that the password prompt should be in a little 
box of its own, of course.

So, two modest proposals. Take either one if you want it.

1. Password prompt box appears after the connection box has been filled 
out and acted upon, in approximately the same place.


2. Password prompt appears in a small box at the bottom of the window in 
which one is doing the connection. Password prompt box disappears when 
properly filled out (thereby enabling the connection), or in any of the 
circumstances considered normal, in which the ssh connection is to be 

Clearly these are small issues. However, I think that to do something like 
this might be good for those who have never seen the ssh connection 
feature before.

Theodore Kilgore

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