Color problem under FC6

Michelle Konzack linux4michelle at
Tue Feb 13 18:35:52 UTC 2007

Please can you stop HIJACKING other Mailthreads?

    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Am 2007-02-07 22:43:27, schrieb Keith Roberts:
> Hi all. I'm using mc-4.6.1a-35.fc6 on three different 
> machines. There is a problem with the directory colors 
> showing the same as ordinary files, and not bold white.
> When I highlight a file with the insert key, it shows up as 
> a rusty brown color, not yellow. The same applies to the 
> yellow highlighting in the dialogues.
> Any ideas why this is happening please, and what to do to 
> fix the colors so they work correctly?
> Other Linux distros mc packages worked OK on these 
> platforms, including SuSE, Debian, and Kubuntu.
> Keith
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Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
##################### Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #####################
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