Addressing MC stagnation.

Alexander Levitsky aalevitsky at
Tue May 24 14:17:07 UTC 2005

Is it possible to reserve some place/space under Wiki
for 4.1.x no-gnome, no-glib, no-tk branch:

--- Miguel de Icaza <miguel at> wrote:
> Hello,
>    Thanks for raising this issue up, I think that we should proceed
> in
> various stages to address some of the problems that we have today in
> mc:
> 	* The website should move to a Wiki.
> 	  I will have our sysadmins setup a Wiki for MC based on the
> 	  success we have had with Hula, Mono and Beagle.  The use of
> 	  the Wiki means that users can effectively contribute to the
> 	  well state of the project, documentation, tutorials and
> 	  addressing problems that people face.
> 	  Also using the forum feature and discussion is a good way
> 	  of keeping archives easily accessible to everyone.
> 	* Release-often: MC has not been officially released for a 
> 	  long time.  I propose that the current CVS gets released
> 	  as MC 5.0 and if any issues are found with the release
> 	  we release 5.0.1, 5.0.2 and so on to address these problems.
>    For the Wiki, all we need is a domain name (or we can keep it
> under
> the obscure url we can put it on).
> Miguel.
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