FTP Directory Listing

JM jeff at kyologic.com
Fri Jun 24 04:11:54 UTC 2005

On 04:02 Thu 23 Jun     , /dev/rob0 wrote:
> On Thursday 23 June 2005 02:30, Pavel Tsekov wrote:
> > What ftp server are you using ? Can you arrange for an anonymous
> > account so that we can try and reproduce what you see ?
> Since the OP said it happened with more than one server, I doubt this
> is an mc issue at all. Does mc's FTP file system use active or passive 
> FTP, or either?
> > > > On Wednesday 22 June 2005 12:38, JM wrote:
> > > > > When I log into my file server with mc, or any other ftp for
> > > > > that matter, mc says I am all logged in, but the directory
> > > > > structure is missing.  I am staring at a blank blue panel. 
> > > > > When I log in with a regular ftp on the command line, every
> > > > > thing shows up.  Is there something that I am doing wrong?  I
> > > > > use the command `cd ftp://user@server`
> This syntax works for me.
> $ mc --version
> GNU Midnight Commander 4.6.0
> Virtual File System: tarfs, extfs, cpiofs, ftpfs, fish, undelfs
> With builtin Editor
> Using system-installed S-Lang library with terminfo database
> With subshell support as default
> With support for background operations
> With mouse support on xterm and Linux console
> With internationalization support
> With multiple codepages support
> Is there a NAT router between you and the FTP server? Is it doing
> proper NAT of active FTP? If the NAT router is Linux (and if you have 
> root thereupon) try "modprobe -v ip_nat_ftp".
> -- 
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mc --version
GNU Midnight Commander 4.6.0
Virtual File System: tarfs, extfs, cpiofs, ftpfs, fish, undelfs
With builtin Editor
Using included S-Lang library with terminfo database
With subshell support as default
With support for background operations
With mouse support on xterm and Linux console
With internationalization support

No, there is no NAT router.  I have found that if I log in specifying a
directory that I will start in that directory, but it will be empty, and
if I move up one directory, that directory is empty as well, and they
are all empty until I get back to my root directory that is local.

I don't think it is the router because both ftp and gftp work correctly.

Jeff Mickey	jeff at kyologic.com

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