Edit selected/hilighted text

Michelle Konzack linux4michelle at freenet.de
Mon Aug 1 16:53:01 UTC 2005

Am 2005-08-01 18:42:37, schrieb Roland Illig:

> It had been possible for a short while, somewhere in 2004. I had 
> replaced some parts of the editor with code that did exactly what you 
> want. But because some developers told me "not to replace working code 
> with your poorly tested new code", I removed it again.

Can your patch easyly applyed to the Debian-Version of mc ?
I like to see in in the editor.

> I would be happy to reintroduce my "poorly tested code" again, as it had 
> worked great for me. :)

Then we should encurage the mc-developers to check your patch.

> Roland


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