Devel list alive? UTF-8 & Merging patches with CVS

Marcel Pol mpol at
Wed Jun 30 12:16:46 UTC 2004

On Fri, 2004-06-25 at 16:41 +0200, Leonard den Ottolander wrote:
> Hi Marcel,
> > Then when I set an utf8 locale I get a messed up screen, where the line-
> > drawing characters, etc are all blocks (in gnome-terminal) or
> > questionmarks (on console):
> >
> I do not see this when using xterm, gnome-terminal or kterm. I can
> produce this behaviour by setting the character coding for the
> gnome-terminal to a different charset (fe ISO-8859-15 when
> LANG=en_US.UTF-8 or vice versa). What terminal program are you using?
> Any option to set the charset for your terminal? How about a console?
> What kind of result does the original Fedora rpm get you?

Ok, I've been reading up on unicode, I guess that was rather needed.
It happened that I set the loacle to UTF8 in a running terminal, which
meant that the terminal itself isn't running in an utf8 locale. I've
rebooted so everything should be running in a utf8 locale now, and now
things are fine (almost).

In an xterm or gnome-terminal all is fine.

On console some things are not as it should.
The first time I start mc, there are no alignments, just the file
listing, etc. Then when I run Drakconf (which uses newt, and is compiled
on slang-utf8), quit drakconf and start mc again, there are alignments.
Then when I start drakconf again, it's all messy with blocks and
questionmarks. Quitting drakconf and starting mc shows that mc is
The environment variables before and after running drakconf are the
So I assume something in slang-utf8, newt or drakconf messes things up.
Or maybe the console itself isn't fully utf8, because when I run an utf8
example file, not all characters are shown correct (blocks), while in an
xterm they are fine
This makes it offtopic for a list about mc, I know, sorry.

Marcel Pol

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