Midnight Commander on Solaris 7

Peter Tootill ptootill at abilitec.com
Wed Nov 28 09:34:31 UTC 2001

Hi Pavel ..

Thanks for the response ... I am delighted to have mc running on the Solaris

> I think the best solution for you was actually to compile 
> glib statically 
> (i.e. with --disable-shared) to avoid all those problems.

I have to admit I chickened out there and downloaded the binary from
sunfreeware and installed that. Being very much a novice as far as compiling
stuff goes (this is about the third program I have compiled), I have no idea
what the above would do, or what glib and libtool are really about. 
> You may want to continue this discussion in libtool at gnu.org.  There is
> nothing mc-specific here, although many people have this 
> problem with mc
> because it's one of the first programs they want to compile 
> themselves.

Sure, I understand - As I said, I am pleased to have it working... Maybe my
experiences will assist someone else wanting mc on Solaris 7.



Abilitec - Three time winners at the Enterprise Awards 2001 as sponsored by
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