Appreciation for Midnight Commander

David Sewell dsewell at
Fri Nov 2 16:50:46 UTC 2001


I just thought I'd take a moment to express one user's appreciation for
Midnight Commander. Recently I undertook the project of converting
archived word processing files for >100 of our press's books to text so
that we could use them for searching and retrieval on our internal Web
server. The conversion could not be fully automated because of
inconsistencies in the files, so I had to spend a lot of time fixing
things by hand.

Midnight Commander made the process much quicker and easier, since I could
move swiftly from source to target directories and perform various shell
commands and editing operations from within MC.

This was the first time I had explored the full power of MC, and I was
very impressed at the feature set--every time I thought "now, it would be
nice if I could do X," a look at the documentation or the menus showed
that "X" was indeed possible.

Sometimes media coverage of Linux and the Open Source movement gives the
impression that it is just a plaything for hackers--I'm here to testify
that high-quality free software makes all the difference in the world to
people like us, nonprofit publishers without much budget for software

Best wishes,

David Sewell

David Sewell, Project Editor
The University Press of Virginia
PO Box 400318, Charlottesville, VA 22904-4318 USA
Email: dsewell at   Tel: +1 434 924 6066

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