listbox hotkeys

Mooffie mooffie at
Thu May 28 20:04:35 UTC 2015

On 5/24/15, Mike Smithson <mdooligan at> wrote:
> It's always bugged me that I can only access the
> first 10 items with the keys 0-9.
> [...]
> Keys a-z are very often used by the menu of the
> dialog the listbox is in, but keys A-Z are not.
> [...]
> Now I can access the top 36 items instead of just
> the top 10.

But isn't it "hard" to count, say, 27 items mentally? Isn't it easier
to just press the arrows repeatedly? I think that's a question the
maintainers are going to ask you.

(Otherwise I don't see a problem with your code. But you'd want to
change the "- 55" to "- 'A' + 10" and remove the curly brackets
(that's their laws).)

Anyway, you can do all such tweakings in mc^2 without touching the C
code. Here, I "translated" your code to Lua:

I've also created a new module today that lets you associate hotkeys
with the directories there. Again, no C coding is required. Here's a
screenshot (note the yellow arrows):

(Isn't this feature what you *really* want?)

> I use Directory hotlist a lot. Constantly, really.

A few weeks ago somebody said he's using the "File edit/view history"
of Dos Navigator "several hundred times a day"[1]. After implementing
it (better) in mc^2 I can say the same. I mention it because many
times (thanks to its "Quick filter" entry[2]) one can use it as a
replacement for the Directory hotlist dialog.


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