Alt+function keys and other keys

Miguel Pérez wiseman1024 at
Fri Mar 12 13:14:37 UTC 2010

2010/3/12 Thomas Dickey <dickey at>

> On Fri, 12 Mar 2010, Miguel Pérez wrote:
>  It does, but they are not recognized. Here's an example of different
>> alt-f1
>> sequences I've seen:
>> Konsole (TERM=konsole), native keyboard ("xterm XFree 4.x.x"): ^[O3P
>> xterm (TERM=xterm): ^[[1;3P
>> urxvt (TERM=rxvt-unicode): ^[^[[11~
>> mlterm (TERM=mlterm): ^[[11;3~
>> Midnight Commander doesn't recognize any of these. I wonder what kind of
>> terminal does it expect (shouldn't it be flexibly detected from TERM?).
> terminfo should provide the details (using the convention from xterm,
>  which encodes 12 function-keys with control-, shift-, alt-modifiers).

> The last I noticed, Konsole doesn't _set_ $TERM, but has a keyboard setting
> (analogous to the predefined flavors in xterm for Sun, HP, etc).

Then something seems to be wrong, because I have TERM properly set in the
various terminals, yet Midnight Commander doesn't seem to understand many of
the posible escape sequences (mostly Alt/Control combinations with
Fn/Ins/Del/Home/End and Shift+Tab).

>> ~Miguel
>> 2010/3/11 Thomas Dickey <dickey at>
>>  On Thu, 11 Mar 2010, Miguel Pérez wrote:
>>>  What I wonder is why even on the reference terminal xterm, some key
>>> escape
>>>> sequences aren't even recognized, including simple enough ones such as
>>>> ctrl-f1 or alt-f1.
>>> It depends on the keyboard configuration.  (The "vt220" flavor won't do
>>> much with control/F1).  The (default) Sun/PC does send different
>>> sequences...
>>> --
>>> Thomas E. Dickey
>> --
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> --
> Thomas E. Dickey
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