mc and TOSTOP terminal attribute

Aliaksey Kandratsenka alkondratenko at
Thu Sep 24 09:43:04 UTC 2009

У Чцв, 24/09/2009 у 12:34 +0300, Slava Zanko піша:
> my discovery of repo ends on eb6b3842abd84db5e9a7695d59fb6db5c5321f4f
> commit.
Mine too. And that's initial Miguel's commit.

> I think, the terminal "tostop" flag is set for prevent background
> processes from garbling up the interface.
Foreground process can do that too if user presses Ctrl-O when something
is running in foreground. Let's just stop doing this 'tostop' thing.
This way mc's slave terminal will be more compatible with existing and
widely used software.

In the long term mc should probably steal code from GNU screen or from
similar program so that slave terminal has 'real' screen state that's
updated independently from mc interface.

Aliaksey Kandratsenka <alkondratenko at>

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