new syntax for mc.ext

Jan Psota jasiu at
Wed Jul 1 10:40:27 UTC 2009

Could You take a look at this solution for file extension based matching
programs to files? :-)

r.conf --> /etc
r.awk (+x) --> I used to store it in /usr/local/bin
'r.awk -I' will make needed symlinks ('r', 'e' and 'v' for r.conf like

Try with -t, so You will find how it works :-).

What should I change / add to make it good enough to replace mc.ext?
I use mawk, because it is smaller, faster and my GNU awk is broken
-- in line 192 it matches 'e' against /^[A-Z]/ (but not [[:upper:]]).

Jan Psota
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