Reporting Bugs via mail works now (with drawbacks)

Patrick Winnertz winnie at
Sun Jan 4 19:07:52 UTC 2009


> > Yes, 'database is locking'... :(
> ACK. Got the same error all the time.
> Any idea what's up w/ the server ?
Yes.. according to the ticket system for trac itself this is an error of trac 
0.11 ... some issue with the sql backend.
I'm searching atm for a fix (patch for trac).

The issues with the load of the server should be fixed...I hope that I'll get 
this issue also fixed.


 . '' ` .   Patrick Winnertz <winnie at>
:  :'   :   proud Debian developer, author, administrator, and user
`. `'` -
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems
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