bundled intl stuff necessary

Enrico Weigelt weigelt at metux.de
Sat Jan 3 16:20:56 UTC 2009

* Roland Illig <roland.illig at gmx.de> schrieb:
> Enrico Weigelt schrieb:
> > Hi folks,
> > 
> > is it necessary to have the intl lib bundled into mc or could it
> > be taken directly from the system ?
> > (I admit, I don't know much about how it really works ;-o)
> I don't think it is necessary. There are many other projects who have
> dropped the internal intl/ directory.

Okay, I'm trying to hack up something. 

This will also be my first reallife learning experience w/ git ;-)
Please give me some hint how to send back my changes for review
(directly via git).

 Enrico Weigelt    ==   metux IT service - http://www.metux.de/
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