Further Midnight Commander development

Oswald Buddenhagen ossi at kde.org
Sat Feb 14 14:47:44 UTC 2009

On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 08:20:29PM +0200, Pavel Tsekov wrote:
> You don't become a project member and developer by just waiting for
> the "right" moment, appearing on the scene and taking over of
> everything.
would you bet?
you may be the best maintainer on earth (you aren't, but wth), but by
being unavailable you marginalize your project and thus yourself. so
while "the new ones" might not be official maintainers, they are
de-facto maintainers. those who do the work decide, even if my hair
stands on end occasionally.

to "the new ones": get the trac vs. the mailinglist thing sorted.
the current situation practically excludes everyone who cannot be
bothered to poll your trac often enough, which basically is everyone who
has some real experience (and thus has a day job, etc.).

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