Unwanted natural sorting of numbers

Miguel Pérez wiseman1024 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 4 20:49:47 UTC 2009


    Thank you very much for your time. You helped me gather information
before I could create the ticket (now I know it happens with the latest
upstream version too), and I'm kind of relieved that it's not mc's normal
behaviour because it means I may eventually get to fix it in my system. I've
created a new ticket with this information:


Thanks all for your work on Midnight Commander

2009/12/3 Yury V. Zaytsev <yury at shurup.com>

> On Thu, 2009-12-03 at 15:24 +0100, Miguel Pérez wrote:
> > I've tried with various locale and collation settings, but I can't
> > make it work differently (from sorting like a1 a3 a20), except if
> > LC_COLLATE is set to an invalid collation, which will make mc revert
> > to sorting normally (e.g. a1 a20 a3) but then UTF-8 support will be
> > broken.
> My testing Ubuntu Hardy system is set up as follows:
> zyv at mypride:~/Desktop$ locale
> LANG=en_US.UTF-8
> LC_CTYPE="en_US.UTF-8"
> LC_NAME="en_US.UTF-8"
> > I've also tried compiling and running mc from the latest sources,
> > 4.7.0-pre4, with the same result, so it might be something in my
> > system that's making Midnight Commander sort like that.
> Yes, it looks like this issue has to do with your specific setup. I'm
> not implying that it is NOT an mc problem, but at least for now we
> couldn't reproduce it.
> > Is there anything else I can do, try or post about my system that
> > might help determine what's going on?
> Your best bet would be to open a ticket on the Trac with all relevant
> information as not all of the developers follow the list. Maybe someone
> will then come up with a test case to isolate the problem.
> Sorry, my diagnosis powers are depleted at this point.
> --
> Sincerely yours,
> Yury V. Zaytsev

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