Unwanted natural sorting of numbers

Miguel Pérez wiseman1024 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 3 12:04:05 UTC 2009


    This is happening to both of my workstations, a Debian sid x86 one and
an Ubuntu 8.04 AMD64 one, both running Debian's mc 4.7.0-pre1-3, both with
UTF-8 locales (en_US.UTF-8 and es_ES.UTF-8) but LC_COLLATE set to 'C'. Is
there anything I could provide that might help determine what's wrong with
my Midnight Commander setup?

    Alternatively, do you know if there are any important patches in the
Debian versions of mc 4.7 that aren't yet available in the upstream version
4.7.0-pre4? If I won't be missing anything important, I can afford to
compile it from source and run the original version; Midnight Commander is
worth it :) .

Thanks again

2009/12/3 Yury V. Zaytsev <yury at shurup.com>

> Hi!
> On Wed, 2009-12-02 at 17:11 +0100, Miguel Pérez wrote:
> >     I've noticed when Midnight Commander sorts filenames
> > alphabetically, it treats numbers specially as to sort filenames "a1",
> > "a3" and "a20" in this order,
> I can't reproduce this on 4.7.0-pre4-132-gfa24b65 :
> │ a1.x
> │ a10.x
> │ a20.x
> │ a3.x
> I don't remember that we did any modifications in what concerns file
> ordering in the Debian package... :-(
> --
> Sincerely yours,
> Yury V. Zaytsev

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