Small bug in Version 4.6.1 wrapper scripts

Roland Illig roland.illig at
Wed Nov 5 23:37:58 UTC 2008

Lawrence Cahoon schrieb:
> Hi:
>   I found (and fixed, I think) a small bug in the file. As
> delivered, the 6th line of the script is:
>     MC_PWD="`cat $MC_PWD_FILE`"
>   but I think it should be:
>     MC_PWD="cat `$MC_PWD_FILE`"

I don't think you tested exactly this change successfully. The real fix is


You can leave out the outer double quotes in a variable assignment (at
least in sh; I don't know csh). Your suggestion of enclosing only the
MC_PWD_FILE variable in backticks is wrong, since that variable contains
a file name, and that file isn't executable.

In the current mc's source, it has already been fixed. Thank you anyway
for mentioning it.


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