Problems with several endcodings in debian

Patrick Winnertz winnie at
Wed Feb 27 07:39:53 UTC 2008

I got yesterday night your patch working, but it seems that there are 
several troubles concerning encodings.

I got a report that with these patches the ru_RU.KOI8R locale isn't anymore 
working... (e.g. the filenames are displayed correctly, but all gettext 
strings are displayed as questionmarks). See [1]

Do you know a proper solution to fix this issue? 

Furthermore there is a minor error while displaying the german gettext 
strings in ISO-8859-15 or ISO-8859-1... each "Umlaut" (äüöß) is displayed 
as not printable symbol. See [2].



 .''`.   Patrick Winnertz <winnie at>
:  :' :  GNU/Linux Debian Developer
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems
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