Further Midnight Commander development

Patrick Winnertz winnie at debian.org
Tue Dec 23 12:59:36 UTC 2008

[removed some private stuff]

> 1) why not asking for git on savannah?
As trac needs a local git. 
> 2) is it mc on savannah doomed?
Well.. the bugtracker there is ugly.. there is too much spam, cvs is very 
ancient, git is so much better.
> 3) Why not officially close it?
My intention is to set up a new place to officially develop mc and then ask the 
people who are responsible for the webpage and the savannah stuff to forward 
visitors to the trac. And add a big fat note into the cvs that the development 
has moved into git. 
Is there something else which have to be done in order to move the development 
officially into a new place? 

It would be cool if someone would help me with speaking with savannah and 
ibiblio.org in order to place there informations that the official site is 
located now elsewhere. (I'm currently set up the trac, after I'm ready i'll 
point you to the link)


 . '' ` .   Patrick Winnertz <winnie at debian.org>
:  :'   :   proud Debian developer, author, administrator, and user
`. `'`     http://people.debian.org/~winnie - http://www.der-winnie.de
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems
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