[bug #21524] Dangerous unpacking (disk full is not reported, unpacked files become corrupt)

Nagy Gabor INVALID.NOREPLY at gnu.org
Thu Nov 8 11:05:18 UTC 2007

Follow-up Comment #10, bug #21524 (project mc):

I will be a bit offtopic here, but I hope that you tolerate me:
1. If you attach the modified uzip && urar scripts, I will test it.
2. IMHO some review is needed for all extfs scripts, because for example urar
freezes mc if your rar is password protected.
3. I'm just curious here:
I don't understand why do you need native archiver support. uzip now get
"copyout archivename storedfilename /tmp/..." instead of "copyout archivename
storedfilename destination". (Then mc copies /tmp/... to the destination now).
I simply don't understand why. uzip and urar can do direct copyout, copyin,
... without /tmp [in case of F3 and F4 or with tar.gz /tmp is needed
ovbiously]. And finally I mention that list needs no extra HDD. mc could
decide which parameters he will pass to extfs script (/tmp in case of F3/F4;
'realdest' in case of F5/F6/F7/F8 ... <- if /tmp is still needed, the extfs
script can use it)


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