[bug #21524] Dangerous unpacking (disk full is not reported, unpacked files become corrupt)

Nagy Gabor INVALID.NOREPLY at gnu.org
Wed Nov 7 14:45:31 UTC 2007

Follow-up Comment #8, bug #21524 (project mc):

If this works well, then OK.
But I would prefer skip /tmp from extracting whenever possible:
-sometimes /tmp is small, and you have not enough privileges to change this:
big limiting factor
-if you extract files to a pendrive for example, the extra /tmp step [usually
on local HDD] slows down the process [this is not a reasonable slowdown
however, but a slowdown]
-you loose your "copy-out" progressbar (however, this is not an informative
thing, usually uncompress is much slower than /tmp->/dest copy/move)


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