[bug #21524] Dangerous unpacking (disk full is not reported, unpacked files become corrupt)

Nagy Gabor INVALID.NOREPLY at gnu.org
Tue Nov 6 12:45:05 UTC 2007


                 Summary: Dangerous unpacking (disk full is not reported,
unpacked files become corrupt)
                 Project: GNU Midnight Commander
            Submitted by: ngaba
            Submitted on: Tuesday 11/06/2007 at 12:45
                Category: VFS
                Severity: 3 - Normal
                  Status: None
                 Privacy: Public
             Assigned to: None
             Open/Closed: Open
         Discussion Lock: Any
                 Release: 4.6.1
        Operating System: GNU/Linux



I simply refer to my mail on ML:
The workaround I suggested there is not usable, because it is _very_ slow.
The main problem: most archivers cannot do "unpack foo as bar" and we use
"unpack --unpack-to-stdout archive/foo > bar" and unpack won't return with
error in case of disk-full.
A possible workaround (pseudo-code):
extractto-dir = basedir(extractto)
extractto-name = undocumented ;-P
Then we could unpack to extractto-dir with the original name, then rename the
unpacked file to extractto-name.


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