[PATCH] "'a' and 'b' are the same file/directory" message box needs "Abort" button.

Pavel Tsekov ptsekov at gmx.net
Sat May 19 13:27:21 UTC 2007

On Fri, 18 May 2007, Denis Vlasenko wrote:

> Original code tried to prevent wrapping of very long filenames,
> without much success:
> -           int msize = COLS - 36;
> -           char st[MC_MAXPATHLEN];
> -           strcpy (st, path_trunc (s, msize));
> It doesn't work because we have _two_ filenames, and (COLS-36)*2 will
> still overflow the screen. I removed this code for now.

>From what I see the following line of code deals with the
problem that you describe:

   msize /= 2;

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