[patch #6026] D language syntax file

Witold Baryluk INVALID.NOREPLY at gnu.org
Fri Jun 22 14:25:05 UTC 2007

Follow-up Comment #2, patch #6026 (project mc):

 - missing keywords, (yellow)
 - char literals, hex strings, utf/html entities,
(brightgreen/brightmagenta), `strings` (green),
 - missing $, ~, .. (yellow/brightcyan)
 - functions from std.stdio, std.math, std.object, std.string (cyan)
 - basics objects like Error, Exception, Object (brightmagneta)
 - sh-bang (black),
 - operators methods (grey ),
 - lexer __*__ special literals (red),
 - changed color of this, super, true, false to red,
 - changed color of import to magenta.
 - ddoc common sections, like Params:, Returns:, BUGS:, TODO:, etc. (red?? i
have no good idea)

 - /+ .. +/ comments

(file #13126)

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File name: d.syntax                       Size:12 KB


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