changes in UTF-8 patch

Michail Vidiassov master at
Thu Dec 6 23:57:19 UTC 2007

Dear Rostislav,

On Sun, 2 Dec 2007, Rostislav Beneš wrote:

> I have made some improvements of my UTF-8 patch.
> full support of combining marks:

Ok, it fixed problems on Mac OS X I have complained about.

But one problem ramains - if I enter an archive named in Russian, (by pressing Enter on it)
  its name appears in the command-line area below the panels (Ctrl-L clears it).

Please, add KOI8*, CP866, CP1251, CP1252 to the list of supported 
encodings - that will serve most of the needs of Russians till the time 
when you deal with the issue in a proper general way.

              Sincerely, Michail

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