[RFE] [PATCH] star vfs and xattr feature request

Curtis Doty Curtis at GreenKey.net
Tue Jan 31 04:18:09 UTC 2006

Jindrich Novy wrote:

>Hello mc-devel,
>Curtis Doty sent me a patch for star vfs support, where he says:
>Here's a patch that attempts to add star filesystem support. Which is
>fairly important IMHO now that Fedora is using selinux (or anything that
>uses extended attributes).
>Star also seems very forgiving; allowing the same view/extract command to work
>across native archives or those compressed with various programs.
>However, I couldn't get #utar to work so had to write the little #ustar script;
>which is dog slow. So I'm hearby requesting a new feature: can the #utar extfs
>be made to extract from starchives that contain selinux security descriptors?
Hi, I'm the original poster of this patch to the redhat bugzilla. Where 
it was closed summarily. However, I really thing adding support for 
tarball extended attributes is increasingly valuable on selinux systems.

And star seems to be the best tool for the job. Are there other ways of 
safely extracting files from a tarball with these extensions? I'm happy 
to rebuild the patch against the mc cvs if there is positive feedback.

another reference:


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