[bug #15576] Switching panels in long mode

Vladimir Nadvornik savannah-bounces at gnu.org
Mon Jan 30 16:58:57 UTC 2006


                 Summary: Switching panels in long mode
                 Project: GNU Midnight Commander
            Submitted by: nadvornik
            Submitted on: Mon 01/30/06 at 16:58
                Category: Core
                Severity: 3 - Normal
                  Status: None
                 Privacy: Public
             Assigned to: None
             Open/Closed: Open
                 Release: current (CVS or snapshot)
        Platform Version: GNU/Linux



We got this bugreport in our bugzilla:

Either in console or X terminal start mc , press F9 and customize directory
listing mode for both panels as 'long file list' . Now after you have each
pannels fit on the entire entrminal, on the directory listing press
<insert><tab><tab><insert> . On my system I see another panel instead of
I was marking files on. Same for <down><tab><tab><down> and generally the
key may be any cursor movement key.

The bug seems to be introduced between 4.6.0 and 4.6.1pre3.
I can reproduce it also with current snapshot mc-2006012023-1.i386.rpm.

The original report is here:


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