[patch] allow seeking in linear files

Pavel Tsekov ptsekov at gmx.net
Mon Jan 23 13:56:07 UTC 2006

Hello Jindrich,

I see you have submitted this patch several time by now - the first one
appears to be from May 2003. Hopefully it will get into CVS this time...

So now to the patch - first I'd like to comment the last hunk of your patch:

> -		    n_read_total, ctx->progress_bytes);
> +		    n_read_total + ctx->do_reget, ctx->progress_bytes);

> -		    file_progress_show (ctx, n_read_total, file_size);
> +		    file_progress_show (ctx, n_read_total + ctx->do_reget,
> file_size);

I think it would be better if you substract 'ctx->do_reget' from the last
argument (the total) instead of adding it to the second argument (the number
of bytes read so far).  This way the user won't see the progress bar
semi-filled right after the start of the copy operation . What do you think

I also reviewed the first part of the patch and it seems ok but I need some
more time to understand if it does the "right thing" O_LINEAR-wise. I'll try
to comment ASAP.

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