[RFE][PATCH] Display free space on device in panels

Jindrich Novy jnovy at redhat.com
Wed Feb 1 12:30:53 UTC 2006


On Mon, 2006-01-02 at 14:41 +0100, Jindrich Novy wrote:
> thanks for your comments, attaching the patch better matching the mc
> coding style.

I modified the patch so that it can be switched on/off in the
Options/Layout dialog to display free space on device.

termshot(TM) is attached:
│   Name   │Size│  MTime    ││   Name   │Size │  MTime    │
│/..       │UP--│           ▲│/..       │UP--D│           ▲
│/.Azureus │4096│Dec 29 15: ●│/CVS      │ 4096│Jan 25 13: ●
│/.TeXmacs │4096│Oct  6 10: ▒│/i386     │ 4096│Feb  1 07: ▒
│/.Trash   │4096│Jan  8 22: ▒│/mc-4.6.1a│ 4096│Feb  1 07: ▒
│/.aMule   │4096│Nov 26 21: ▒│ .cvs~nore│   18│Dec  6 13: ▒
│/.amaya   │4096│Jan 10 14: ▒│ Makefile │  175│Sep  9  20 ▒
│/.anjuta  │4096│Dec 30 15: ▒│ mc-2~atch│  501│Jan 31 12: ▒
│/.cam~erts│4096│Aug 20 21: ▒│ mc-4~.rpm│2950K│Jan 25 16: ▒
│/.cdd~lave│4096│Jan  1 01: ▒│ mc-4~.rpm│2951K│Feb  1 07: ▒
│/.comments│4096│Jan 15 21: ▒│ mc-4~.bz2│2862K│Nov 29 22: ▒
│/.ddd     │4096│Jan 28 14: ▒│ mc-4~.new│2863K│Jan 29 19: ▒
├────────2787M (12%) of 21G─▼├─────────2787M (12%) of 21G─▼
│/..       │UP--│drwxr-xr-x ││/..       │UP--D│drwxr-xr-x │
enigma:~/CVS/mc/devel$                                  [^]

what shows how the free space on device is displayed.

2006-02-01  Jindrich Novy  <jnovy at redhat.com>

        * screen.c: Add new function show_free_space() to display free
        space on device. Add calls so that show_free_space() is called
        when panels are drawn.
        * layout.c (struct check_options, b2left_cback, b2right_cback
        layout_callback, init_layout): Add configuration option to
        Options/Layout dialog.

Jindrich Novy <jnovy at redhat.com>, http://people.redhat.com/jnovy/
(o_                                                           _o)
//\      The worst evil in the world is refusal to think.     //\
V_/_                                                         _\_V

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