Some useful stuff for 4.6.1

Roland Illig roland.illig at
Tue May 31 08:33:56 UTC 2005

Andrew V. Samoilov wrote:
> Hello,
> first patch adds some words about new "define" feature in the built-in
> editor syntax engine.
> Others are a first approximation of configuration files for Sun Solaris package manager.
> ChangeLog:
> *, Configuration files for Sun Solaris pkgmk(1)

The problem with these is that they only work for some of the possible 
mc configurations. (Think about --without-vfs and --without-edit.)

A general question is: Do we want to support all kinds of packaging 
systems, or shouldn't it be their job to do that? We might end up with 
tens of files from various packaging systems which we don't know good 
enough to update the files appropriately.


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