[patch] 7zip support + bug in viewer

MP tux at centrum.cz
Mon May 30 00:23:32 UTC 2005

Two bugs in mc from CVS, for one of them a patch is attached:

1. MC interpret .7z archives wrongly as manpages if you press F3 on them
(usually causes MC to hang while nroff is munching several megabytes of binary 
I have attached a patch to mc.ext.in that will show listing of archive for .7z 
files instead (if you have p7zip installed) - like it is done for .zip, etc ...
(attached mc_mc.ext.patch)

2. If I try to view HTML and have not lynx installed (or basically anything 
for which I do not have coresponding viewer from mc.ext installed), I think it 
might be better to show the file directly, instead of something like "lynx: 
command not found" followed by "Empty output from child filter")
For files that are "almost text" like html it makes much more sense to display 
them as-is instead of some error message
I think I may change the view_load in view.c that if the 
view_load_command_output returns error (or at least error of type 'viewer not 
found'), it will show the file directly and no error messages, but I am not 
sure if this won't broke somethings ... should I try to make a patch for it, 
or does it have some caveats that I don't see?

Martin Petricek
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