problems with mc / version from SuSE 9.3

Dieter Jurzitza dieter.jurzitza at
Thu May 26 19:50:39 UTC 2005

Dear listmembers,
regarding my first posting I found that I was definitively wrong in that the 
current solution of "wrapper"-scripts are no real wrapper scripts as they are  
not actually executed but sourced in order to keep track of the path-moves 
within mc.
What still remains is the problem that the temp-dir is not cleaned at the end. 
IMHO this should not happen.
Therefore I prepared a patch that cures this - the current functionality is 
kept "as is", however, everything is wiped off <TMPDIR>/mc-<USERNAME> after 
the last instance of mc has been terminated.
Take care

Dieter Jurzitza


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  ^^__   _        /  _  ____   /
 <°°__ \- \_/     |  |/    |  |
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if you really want to see the pictures above - use some font
with constant spacing like courier! :-)
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