[PATCH] space on prompt bugfix

Jindrich Novy jnovy at redhat.com
Mon Mar 21 14:17:43 UTC 2005

Hello Dmitry,

On Mon, 2005-03-21 at 14:47 +0300, buc wrote:
> Jindrich Novy wrote:
> >I did two patches to fix it so that you can decide which one is better
> >commit candidate.
> >
> >Patch1:
> >Allows an user to type leading spaces on the command prompt, but when
> >enter is pressed, it tests whether the user typed at least something
> >except spaces. In case it finds only spaces, it deletes them from the
> >command prompt and let the enter be further processed.
> >
> >Patch2:
> >Doesn't let the user to type leading spaces if he didn't write a non-
> >space letter already.
> >
> >  
> >
> IMHO, patch1 is better way. Else "end user" can decide "the space key is 
> not working" ...

Yes, the spacebar won't be working for leading spaces. However, typing
the leading spaces in the command prompt IMHO doesn't make too much
sense to me so maybe after patch2 is applied we may use the spacebar as
an equivalent of "Ins" for selecting files/dirs as usual in other
filemanagers when nothing is actually typed in the command prompt.

That is a slight advantage of the second patch so please let me know if
you like/dislike the idea so that I can do another patch for this or
simply be happy with the patch1.


Jindrich Novy <jnovy at redhat.com>, http://people.redhat.com/jnovy/

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