mcedit position remember bug

Christian Hamar krics at
Sun Mar 20 11:35:58 UTC 2005

Hello there!

I found maybe a bug (or just a bad configuration) in mcedit postition
remember option.

I got mc 4.6.1pre4a version. 

I go and mcedit some file example /home/krics/README

Then in /home/krics/.mc/filepos i got this line: 
/home/krics/README 7;5

^^ So that is The editor remembers where i was in the file. The line
number (first) and the column number (second)

But there is the bug. If i hit F4 again to README then my cursor is in
7;0 position and not in 7;5 which was in the filepos !!

So mcedit miss to set the cursor to the right column.

Just i misconfigure or compiled bad mc or is this an mcedit bug in
4.6.1pre4a ?


Christian Hamar alias krix

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