New syntax highlight files, please add it to the distro

Mike V. Gorchak lestat at
Wed Mar 16 05:45:45 UTC 2005

Hello all !

I've did x86 assembler syntax file for highlighting (I can't believe that I'm first who did it :-| ) and POVRay syntax highlight. Both syntax files are complete near 80%, because assembler keywords different in the each product (WASM, MASM, TASM, GAS, NASM, etc) and I have tryied to add as much as possible keywords, which I know and NASM and TASM manuals provided. As for POVRay syntax - they adding new keywords with each version, so maybe it is outdated a bit. But I will add patches to these syntax files later, when I've find a missing keywords.

Need to add the following to the Syntax file too:

file ..\*\\.(asm|ASM|Asm|s|S)$ ASM\sProgram
include assembler.syntax

file ..\*\\.(pov|POV|Pov)$ POV\sScript
include povray.syntax

Have a nice day !
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