S-Lang problems

Roland Illig roland.illig at gmx.de
Fri Jan 7 14:41:12 UTC 2005

Pavel Roskin wrote:
> The second problem is compile error during the link:
> slint.o(.text+0x77): In function `SLang_input_pending2':
> /home/proski/src/mc.v0/src/slint.c:116: undefined reference to 
> `_SLsys_input_pending'
> slint.o(.text+0x19): In function `SLang_getkey2':
> /home/proski/src/mc.v0/src/slint.c:103: undefined reference to 
> `_SLsys_getkey'
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> make[2]: *** [mc] Error 1

I vote for wiping out the SLang_getkey2 and SLang_input_pending2 
functions from src/slint.c. They only are in effect when the user types 
a character in the range 0x80..0x9f. These characters don't have a 
meaning in the ISO8859 character sets, so I guess they are rarely used. 
(Or are they used in Russian codepages?)

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