[patch] xterm title bar fix

Jindrich Makovicka makovick at kmlinux.fjfi.cvut.cz
Mon Feb 14 15:51:20 UTC 2005


there is a small annoying issue with the xterm title setting. As xterm 
(original XFree) honors also the setting of the charset, the title 
sometimes displays garbage, because the charset remained set to line 
drawing characters. A simple way to reproduce this bug is pressing F9 

The attached patch fixes the issue for mc compiled with Slang, by using 
Slang text output functions instead of fprintf. I don't know how to fix 
this in ncurses version, if it is affected at all. Note that putting 
additional \17 to printf string alone doesn't help because slang isn't 
aware of such charset change, so it sometimes prints frames using 
letters instead.

Jindrich Makovicka
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