[RFE][PATCH] Allow cd smb://, cd sh://, cd mc:// vfs requests

buc buc at odusz.so-cdu.ru
Mon Feb 7 15:14:26 UTC 2005

Jindrich Novy wrote:

> <>Hello Dmitry,
> I only wanted to propose a more intuitive way to access various VFSes to
> the most of users and to let them use the functionality ASAP. Some
> further work to let them make their life with mc more comfortable is
> welcome so if you have any pending patches similar to this problem, no
> one will be angry if you send them here ;)
> Cheers,
> Jindrich
My old patch attached. It locates the place where something should be 
done now, not for ftp only...

		Dmitry Butskoj <buc at citadel.stu.neva.ru>
		Saint-Petersburg, Russia
		Red Hat Certified Engineer 809003662809495

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