[PATCH] concat_dir_and_file() needs fixes

Jindrich Novy jnovy at redhat.com
Fri Dec 2 12:44:13 UTC 2005

Hello mc-devel,

There's a bug in concat_dir_and_file(). If you try to reproduce the PHP
syntax highlighting problem in:


then you'll get this message in the "Load syntax file" error dialog:
Error in file /usr/share/mc//syntax/php.syntax on line 4367

Note the two slashes in the path.

When looking at concat_dir_and_file() to figure out what happens in 1)
you see:

char *
concat_dir_and_file (const char *dir, const char *file)
    int i = strlen (dir);

    if (dir [i-1] == PATH_SEP)
        return  g_strconcat (dir, file, (char *) NULL);
        return  g_strconcat (dir, PATH_SEP_STR, file, (char *) NULL);

what's odd -> imagine that dir="".

Patch to fix the both the bugs is attached.

Jindrich Novy <jnovy at redhat.com>, http://people.redhat.com/jnovy/
(o_                                                           _o)
//\      The worst evil in the world is refusal to think.     //\
V_/_                                                         _\_V

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