mc vs firewall

Roland Illig roland.illig at
Sun Apr 10 02:41:11 UTC 2005

pecko wrote:
> hello!
> i have set my firewall as:
> INPUT --protocol tcp -s 0/0 --source-port 20 -j ACCEPT
> INPUT --protocol tcp -s 0/0 --source-port 21 -j ACCEPT
> when i'm using simple ftp everything goes well. but when i'm using mc 
> it's impossible to get directory listing due to using port different to 
> 20 with mc. is there any possibility to force mc to use standard port 
> 20?

Yes. In the "Options/Virtual FS Settings..." dialog, disable "passive FTP".

Please ask on mc at next time, as this is a usage question and 
not related to the development of mc.


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