unit tests for mc (src/util.c: convert_controls)

Roland Illig roland.illig at gmx.de
Sun Sep 26 19:04:37 UTC 2004


I'm currently creating some unit tests for simple cases (that is: 
functions that do not require interaction and that only operate on 
simple data structures). One of the first candidates is convert_controls 
  (src/util.c). I discovered that the function "eats" backslash 
characters and '^' characters.

Here is my testdata. The items which are commented out do not work at 
the moment. We should discuss if this behaviour is intended or if the 
code should be changed.

static const string_pair testdata[] = {
	{"/home/user", "/home/user"},
	{"^a^b^c", "\001\002\003"},
	{"\\Escape", "\033scape"},
	{"\\escap\\e", "\033scap\033"},
/*	{"back\\\\slash", "back\\\\slash"}, */
/*	{"backslash\\", "backslash\\"}, */
	{"^^a^^b^^c^d", "^a^b^c\004"},
	{" !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?",
	 " !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?"},


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