[patch edit/editcmd.c] Code cleanup

Roland Illig roland.illig at gmx.de
Fri Sep 24 23:33:15 UTC 2004


I patched the edit/replace dialog to be able to manage the GCC warnings. 
I applied these coding styles:

   * one variable for exactly one job
   * cleanup phase
   * avoid the ?: operator
   * separate input parameters from output parameters
   * add a typedef for commonly used types, especially functions

I also added some comments for better understanding.

As the patch touches important code, I would like it to be reviewed by 
at least one of you. I hope my code is easy to read -- at least this is 
one of my primary goals.

The calls to memmove in line 1822 aren't needed, as atoi ignores leading 
spaces while scanning.

-------------- next part --------------
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