show_output_starts_shell=1 in ~/.mc/ini with `mc -u' is not working

Vladimir Nadvornik nadvornik at
Fri Sep 10 09:50:50 UTC 2004


I got this bugreport from Petr Hadraba <hadrabap at>.
Current CVS has the same problem. 
The attached patch fixes it in mc 4.6.0

1. How to reproduce:

- Run mc wirh the -u option and make sure, you have show_output_starts_shell=1
in your ~/.mc/ini.
- Press Ctrl+O
2. This is not working:

- No shell is executed.
3. Error messages and logfiles
Type `exit' to return to the Midnight Commander

/bin/bash: -c: option requires an argument

Vladimir Nadvornik
SuSE CR, s.r.o.                             e-mail: nadvornik at
Drahobejlova 27                             tel:+420 2 9654 2373 
190 00 Praha 9                              fax:+420 2 9654 2374   
Ceska republika                       
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