Current code snapshot

Roland Illig roland.illig at
Thu Sep 2 11:52:33 UTC 2004

Leonard den Ottolander wrote:
> That probably is singular. You might want to contact the culprit
> directly as per his private email address. I don't like finger pointing,
> but to avoid confusion and false accusations to people not responsible,
> these changes have been introduced by Roland. He should be much more
> careful, and probably not commit changes just before going on holiday
> (and without testing them properly).

Hello Leonard, hello world,

yes, you're right. I have just returned from another part of holidays 
and seen the mail with the error message. Therefore I have written a 
test suite that tries to build mc with some different configurations, 
including vfs, samba, charset, the various screen libraries and without vfs.

I will commit this script to maint/ and in future only commit changes 
after all of the testsuite passes. Well, perhaps it's better if I 
publish my patches in a public directory or in the Savannah bug tracking 


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