mc-4.6.1 release?

Roland Illig roland.illig at
Thu Oct 21 19:53:09 UTC 2004


I would like mc-4.6.1 to be released soon. The broken pipe issue won't 
get away in the next few days, so there's no reason to wait for it. I 
have a still uncommitted patch which fixes the error message to be not 
as cryptic as before.

After the release I would like to have an "unstable" branch where I (and 
everyone else) may put his favourite patches. From there we can commit 
the patches to the "stable" branch as soon as they are considered 
stable. I think this will speed up development and make it more clear 
which patches have already been applied and which ones still have to be 
checked. But I don't dare to suggest this before the release of mc-4.6.1. ;)


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