FTP password visibility fixes

Jindrich Novy jnovy at redhat.com
Fri Oct 8 13:47:55 UTC 2004


Leonard told me to post the ftp password visibility related patch also
to mc-devel.

The following patch fixes possible displaying of passwords in ftp, fish,
mc, smb urls in hotlist and introduces a new implementation of
strip_password () [based on patch by Jakub Jelinek] which doesn't modify
characters in the input path at all because it uses mem*() functions
instead of str*().

It also eliminates possible passwords displayed in paths in error
messages in case of chdir failure or delete, copy dialogs, etc.


Jindrich Novy <jnovy at redhat.com>, http://people.redhat.com/jnovy/

--- mc-4.6.1-20041008/src/subshell.c.strippwd	2004-10-08
10:17:41.000000000 +0200
+++ mc-4.6.1-20041008/src/subshell.c	2004-10-08 13:06:10.306864832 +0200
@@ -788,9 +788,12 @@
     feed_subshell (QUIETLY, FALSE);
     if (subshell_alive && strcmp (subshell_cwd, current_panel->cwd)
-	&& strcmp (current_panel->cwd, "."))
+	&& strcmp (current_panel->cwd, ".")) {
+	char *cwd = strip_password(g_strdup(current_panel->cwd), 1);
 	fprintf (stderr, _("Warning: Cannot change to %s.\n"),
-		 current_panel->cwd);
+		 cwd);
+	g_free(cwd);
+    }
     if (reset_prompt)
 	prompt_pos = 0;
--- mc-4.6.1-20041008/src/util.c.strippwd	2004-10-08 10:17:41.287669344
+++ mc-4.6.1-20041008/src/util.c	2004-10-08 12:32:35.674135560 +0200
@@ -340,6 +340,22 @@
     return x;
+ * path_trunc() is the same as name_trunc() above but
+ * it deletes possible password from path for security
+ * reasons.
+ */
+const char *
+path_trunc (const char *path, int trunc_len) {
+    const char *ret;
+    char *secure_path = strip_password(g_strdup(path), 1);
+    ret = name_trunc(secure_path, trunc_len);
+    g_free(secure_path);
+    return ret;
 const char *size_trunc (double size)
     static char x [BUF_TINY];
@@ -513,6 +529,7 @@
 		     {"/#mc:", 5},
 		     {"ftp://", 6},
 		     {"/#smb:", 6},
+		     {"/#sh:", 5},
     char *at, *inner_colon, *dir;
     size_t i;
@@ -520,29 +537,29 @@
     for (i = 0; i < sizeof (prefixes)/sizeof (prefixes[0]); i++) {
 	char *q;
+	size_t host_len;
 	if (has_prefix) {
 	    if((q = strstr (p, prefixes[i].name)) == 0)
 	        p = q + prefixes[i].len;
-       	};
+       	}
         if ((dir = strchr (p, PATH_SEP)) != NULL)
-   	    *dir = '\0';
+	    host_len = dir - p;
+	else
+	    host_len = strlen (p);
         /* search for any possible user */
-        at = strrchr (p, '@');
+	at = memchr (p, '@', host_len);
         /* We have a username */
         if (at) {
-            *at = 0;
-            inner_colon = strchr (p, ':');
-  	    *at = '@';
+	    inner_colon = memchr (p, ':', at - p);
             if (inner_colon)
-                strcpy (inner_colon, at);
+		memmove (inner_colon, at, strlen(at) + 1 );
-        if (dir)
-	    *dir = PATH_SEP;
     return (result);
--- mc-4.6.1-20041008/src/filegui.c.strippwd	2004-10-08
10:17:41.275671168 +0200
+++ mc-4.6.1-20041008/src/filegui.c	2004-10-08 12:29:33.974758064 +0200
@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@
 #include "fileopctx.h"		/* FILE_CONT */
 #include "filegui.h"
 #include "key.h"		/* get_event */
+#include "util.h"		/* strip_password() */
 /* }}} */
@@ -423,7 +424,8 @@
 /* }}} */
-#define truncFileString(ui, s) name_trunc (s, ui->eta_extra + 47)
+#define truncFileString(ui, s)       name_trunc (s, ui->eta_extra + 47)
+#define truncFileStringSecure(ui, s) path_trunc (s, ui->eta_extra + 47)
 file_progress_show_source (FileOpContext *ctx, const char *s)
@@ -472,7 +474,7 @@
     if (s != NULL) {
 	label_set_text (ui->file_label[1], _("Target"));
-	label_set_text (ui->file_string[1], truncFileString (ui, s));
+	label_set_text (ui->file_string[1], truncFileStringSecure (ui, s));
 	return check_progress_buttons (ctx);
     } else {
 	label_set_text (ui->file_label[1], "");
@@ -494,7 +496,7 @@
     ui = ctx->ui;
     label_set_text (ui->file_label[0], _("Deleting"));
-    label_set_text (ui->file_label[0], truncFileString (ui, s));
+    label_set_text (ui->file_label[0], truncFileStringSecure (ui, s));
     return check_progress_buttons (ctx);
@@ -854,6 +856,7 @@
     int source_easy_patterns = easy_patterns;
     char *source_mask, *orig_mask, *dest_dir, *tmpdest;
     const char *error;
+    char *def_text_secure;
     struct stat buf;
     int val;
     QuickDialog Quick_input;
@@ -872,6 +875,9 @@
     fmd_widgets[FMCB22].result = &ctx->stable_symlinks;
     fmd_widgets[FMCB21].result = &ctx->dive_into_subdirs;
+    /* filter out a possible password from def_text */
+    def_text_secure = strip_password(g_strdup(def_text), 1);
     /* Create the dialog */
     ctx->stable_symlinks = 0;
@@ -885,15 +891,18 @@
     Quick_input.i18n = 1;
     Quick_input.widgets = fmd_widgets;
     fmd_widgets[FMDI0].text = text;
-    fmd_widgets[FMDI2].text = def_text;
+    fmd_widgets[FMDI2].text = def_text_secure;
     fmd_widgets[FMDI2].str_result = &dest_dir;
     fmd_widgets[FMDI1].str_result = &source_mask;
     *do_background = 0;
-    if ((val = quick_dialog_skip (&Quick_input, SKIP)) == B_CANCEL)
+    if ((val = quick_dialog_skip (&Quick_input, SKIP)) == B_CANCEL) {
+	g_free(def_text_secure);
 	return 0;
+    }
+    g_free(def_text_secure);
     if (ctx->follow_links)
 	ctx->stat_func = (mc_stat_fn) mc_stat;
--- mc-4.6.1-20041008/src/hotlist.c.strippwd	2004-10-08
10:17:41.252674664 +0200
+++ mc-4.6.1-20041008/src/hotlist.c	2004-10-08 12:57:22.674077208 +0200
@@ -761,7 +761,7 @@
 			   /* should be inserted before first item */
 	new->next = current;
 	current_group->head = new;
-    } else if (pos == 1) { /* befor current */
+    } else if (pos == 1) { /* before current */
 	struct hotlist  *p = current_group->head;
 	while (p->next != current)
@@ -905,7 +905,8 @@
     int ret;
     /* Take current directory as default value for input fields */
-    title = url = current_panel->cwd;
+    url   = strip_password(g_strdup(current_panel->cwd), 1);
+    title = g_strdup(url);
     ret = add_new_entry_input (_("New hotlist entry"), _("Directory
label"), _("Directory path"),
 	 "[Hotlist]", &title, &url);
@@ -919,6 +920,9 @@
 	add2hotlist (g_strdup (title),g_strdup (url), HL_TYPE_ENTRY, 1);
     hotlist_state.modified = 1;
+    g_free(title);
+    g_free(url);
 static int add_new_group_input (const char *header, const char *label,
char **result)
@@ -1003,15 +1007,16 @@
     char *prompt, *label;
     const char *cp = _("Label for \"%s\":");
+    char *label_string = strip_password(g_strdup(current_panel->cwd),
     int l = mbstrlen (cp);
-    prompt = g_strdup_printf (cp, name_trunc (current_panel->cwd,
-    label = input_dialog (_(" Add to hotlist "), prompt,
+    prompt = g_strdup_printf (cp, name_trunc (label_string,
+    label = input_dialog (_(" Add to hotlist "), prompt, label_string);
     g_free (prompt);
     if (!label || !*label)
-    add2hotlist (label,g_strdup (current_panel->cwd), HL_TYPE_ENTRY,
+    add2hotlist (label, label_string, HL_TYPE_ENTRY, 0);
     hotlist_state.modified = 1;
--- mc-4.6.1-20041008/src/file.c.strippwd	2004-09-25 15:46:23.000000000
+++ mc-4.6.1-20041008/src/file.c	2004-10-08 10:17:41.298667672 +0200
@@ -1111,8 +1111,8 @@
 		msize = 40;
 	    msize /= 2;
-	    strcpy (st, name_trunc (s, msize));
-	    strcpy (dt, name_trunc (d, msize));
+	    strcpy (st, path_trunc (s, msize));
+	    strcpy (dt, path_trunc (d, msize));
 	    message (1, MSG_ERROR,
 			_(" `%s' and `%s' are the same file "), st, dt);
 	    do_refresh ();
@@ -1229,8 +1229,8 @@
 	    msize = 40;
 	msize /= 2;
-	strcpy (st, name_trunc (s, msize));
-	strcpy (dt, name_trunc (d, msize));
+	strcpy (st, path_trunc (s, msize));
+	strcpy (dt, path_trunc (d, msize));
 	message (1, MSG_ERROR,
 		    _(" `%s' and `%s' are the same directory "), st, dt);
 	do_refresh ();
@@ -2157,7 +2157,7 @@
 file_error (const char *format, const char *file)
     g_snprintf (cmd_buf, sizeof (cmd_buf), format,
-		name_trunc (file, 30), unix_error_string (errno));
+		path_trunc (file, 30), unix_error_string (errno));
     return do_file_error (cmd_buf);
@@ -2169,8 +2169,8 @@
     char nfile1[16];
     char nfile2[16];
-    strcpy (nfile1, name_trunc (file1, 15));
-    strcpy (nfile2, name_trunc (file2, 15));
+    strcpy (nfile1, path_trunc (file1, 15));
+    strcpy (nfile2, path_trunc (file2, 15));
     g_snprintf (cmd_buf, sizeof (cmd_buf), format, nfile1, nfile2,
 		unix_error_string (errno));
@@ -2191,7 +2191,7 @@
 	      "   Delete it recursively? ")
 	    : _("\n   Background process: Directory not empty \n"
 		"   Delete it recursively? ");
-	text = g_strconcat (_(" Delete: "), name_trunc (s, 30), " ", (char *)
+	text = g_strconcat (_(" Delete: "), path_trunc (s, 30), " ", (char *)
 	if (safe_delete)
 	    query_set_sel (1);
--- mc-4.6.1-20041008/src/command.c.strippwd	2004-10-08
13:19:05.000000000 +0200
+++ mc-4.6.1-20041008/src/command.c	2004-10-08 13:27:24.247196464 +0200
@@ -179,8 +179,10 @@
     } else
 	if (!examine_cd (&cmd [3])) {
+	    char *d = strip_password(g_strdup(&cmd [3]), 1);
 	    message (1, MSG_ERROR, _(" Cannot chdir to \"%s\" \n %s "),
-		     &cmd [3], unix_error_string (errno));
+		     d, unix_error_string (errno));
+	    g_free(d);
--- mc-4.6.1-20041008/src/screen.c.strippwd	2004-10-08
13:13:06.000000000 +0200
+++ mc-4.6.1-20041008/src/screen.c	2004-10-08 13:15:05.096564440 +0200
@@ -2293,8 +2293,10 @@
 	current_panel = panel;
 	panel->active = 1;
 	if (mc_chdir (panel->cwd) != 0) {
+	    char *cwd = strip_password (g_strdup(panel->cwd), 1);
 	    message (1, MSG_ERROR, _(" Cannot chdir to \"%s\" \n %s "),
-		     panel->cwd, unix_error_string (errno));
+		     cwd, unix_error_string (errno));
+	    g_free(cwd);
 	} else
 	    subshell_chdir (panel->cwd);
--- mc-4.6.1-20041008/src/util.h.strippwd	2004-10-08 10:17:41.248675272
+++ mc-4.6.1-20041008/src/util.h	2004-10-08 13:35:20.925730312 +0200
@@ -28,6 +28,11 @@
  * Return static buffer, no need to free() it. */
 const char *name_trunc (const char *txt, int trunc_len);
+/* path_trunc() is the same as name_trunc() above but
+ * it deletes possible password from path for security
+ * reasons. */
+const char *path_trunc (const char *path, int trunc_len);
 /* return a static string representing size, appending "K" or "M" for
  * big sizes.
  * NOTE: uses the same static buffer as size_trunc_sep. */

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