[Patch] Addon to 'Fish uploads slowly' patch -- better fallback

buc buc at odusz.so-cdu.ru
Tue Nov 30 17:32:09 UTC 2004

  It is an addition to previously posted patch which solve too slow FISH 
uploads (" head || dd " )

  Possible, I have found a better way for fallback. It is several times 
faster than initial
"dd bs=1 count=%lu" ...
  The idea is we use shell loop as this:

while :


    set @@@ `ls -l <filename>`

    [ $6 -lt <size> ] && dd bs=4096 count=1 || break


   Note: `@@@' is ised to avoid "option-like" interpretation of `ls' output.

   Each invokation `dd' reads only once ("count=1"), with maximum amount 
of 4096 bytes. Actually, reading occurs in smaller portions - as `ssh' 
put data in the pipe.
   We never read the extra data because MC do not give us anything more 
until we echo status code to it.

   This way successfully tested by us in the GNU/non-GNU environment.

   The patch attached, it should be applied after previous posted patch.

		Dmitry Butskoj <Dmitry at Butskoj.name>
		Saint-Petersburg, Russia
		Red Hat Certified Engineer 809003662809495

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